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I knew it was time for me to change my eating habits but it was a fight for me. Every time I tried to start juicing, I resist it and quit. I was craving juices more than food but my flesh didn't want to give into it so it rebelled automatically. I finally overcame the struggle and it was life changing. I gained so much mental clarity, I felt more connected with God and I was able to detox my body all at the same time. I thank God for this experience!


Juicing literally has changed my life. It has helped me to stay focused and less distracted while in College. Now as a College student on campus, I feel like I am able to function more efficiently due to juicing and how it helps me think clearly. My mom always said you are what you eat and I never believed it until now. Since I've been juicing, my body and my mind are lighter which brings less chaos to my way of thinking. Also, there's another plus side to all of this, I have loss over 20 pounds and I feel amazing. 



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